DaProf Vigor Mixture Immune Booster
100% African Plant Extract. for Boosting Immune System, Fight Against Cold and Promotion of Good Health and Vitality

DAPROF Koo Bitters
500g for Haemorrhoids, Anal itching & Constipation. 100% Plant Based

DAPROF Hypertone
100% Herbal Extract. One 750g Bottle. Improves Blood Circulation, Numbness, and addresses Minor Leg swellings

The Law of Destiny
The Power To Overcome and Become is Within You So Look Inwards The author narrates his challenge of how he saw his money always go missing for 15 years without anybody taking it.

The Secret of Herbs
It discusses the spiritual and medicinal uses, local names in 6 Ghanaian and Nigerian languages, 100 local Ghanaian and foreign herbs.